Vehicle inventory on Google

Find out how DealerBreacher's business intelligence can better target your potential buyers at a lower cost.

Complete transparency

Efficient account structure for your dealership with genuine targeting accuracy for great results.

Fixed management fees

Take advantage of our fixed management fees. The commission based system and unpleasant surprises are over.

Support & Performance managers

Let our Google certified performance managers support you in your decision making process and get results.

DealerBreacher mobile marketing AdWords

Tailored solutions for your specific needs.

New cars campaigns

Maximized strategies to attract potential clients during their path to purchase.

Used cars campaigns

You have control over each of your used vehicles online inventory with the ability to position them in the market according to their specifications.

Branding campaigns

Ensure your online presence when your potential clients are looking for a dealer in your area to purchase a new car.

Conquest campaigns

Consumers look at different models & different brands during their buying process. Position yourself to gain market share from other brands, easily.

Service campaigns

Stop losing customers to independent competitors. Service campaigns directly target consumers based on your brand and your models.

Financing campaigns

Many consumers in the buying process are looking for financing in the first place. Our campaigns allow you to target these consumers with a precise structure thus reducing acquisition expenses.

Get results

with DealerBreacher technology.

Google AdWords car dealers

Google AdWords

Incredible precision & performance.

Our unique technology for the automotive market allows you to target the potential customer perfectly at a low cost.

Facebook car dealers


Enjoy the largest social network

In order to stay ahead of potential buyers throughout the entire purchase process. Facebook allows you to reach your local customers and re-target visitors from your website.

Waze car dealers


Conquer a new world.

A new Google Map that only reaches drivers during their journeys. The different types of ads give you the opportunity to be visible directly on their phone.

DealerBreacher performance adwords facebook waze

Performance managers

Don’t forget to plan your monthly performance meeting online. Get accurate and updated suggestions for optimization and plan your strategy for the coming month. Our performance managers are certified by Google for AdWords (search, mobile & web banners).

Schedule your meeting